
29 Jan 2010

Daily drawing project 23-29 Jan

23-29 Jan
This week I have been really unwell and found it hard to get much achieved creatively in the way that Ive wanted to. I decided at the begininging of the week to try really quick drawing adn not worry about the content as i still have last weeks drawing playing in my mind.

Ive been working on 3 canvases with different seniros playing out on each based on some of last weeks drawings, a whole industrious army of women making bird children! I haven't got further than composing the canvas and my fear of starting is still there, but its less fear and more unwellness now! Im desperate to start but haven't got the energy.
will report with any updates as soon as brush touches canvas.

Ive been sewing as well this week just to feel like I can finish a task, Ive made a few more pairs of slippers (see older post) with a slightly altered pattern, hopefully I can sell them soon, also made a dress for myself that I instantly took apart as it looked like a sack!!!!! I got some large tracing paper sheets from the fabric shop so I can make a new pattern for and old dress I love, or at least i can try!
all I want to do is sleep but when Im asleep all i want to do is create!



  1. :( sorry to hear you're not feeling well, the drawings do look good though. Hope things pick up soon. x

  2. thanks lou, I hope next week is snotless and therefore more productive!!!!


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