
6 Feb 2010

Small birds

These are quite small pieces compared to the other work this week, Im really like them but struggling to find a way of the existing i.e how to display them or are they part of some structure or book or larger piece?????? don't know and its getting me down .....having a bit of a whats the point few days!!!
think its just because we skint and so i feel eternally guilty for having fun creating when I could be earning money somehow!!!
heyho, Im sure it will pass, I think tomorrows creative slot has to be spent getting something sell-able made! xx


  1. Hmm, I often have these display problems! I wouldn't put them behind glass, what about attaching them to a wooden frame somehow, the birds might look nice stitched together in a foursome.

  2. hi Lou, I think you might be right, I need to try lots of ways, even wondered whether they should be bunting last night!! I will continue to play x

  3. I really like your work, the lines and drawing.
    I am having a similar problem with knowing how to present my embroidery. I never that problem with my paintings, either I would incorporate into an assemblage or build something. Somehow that isn't working with embroidery.
    I did staple a piece into an artwork assemblage and that seemed to work nicely for that piece.
    anyway just wanted to drop by and let you know I really enjoyed looking at your work on flickr.

  4. thanks for looking jafabrit! Ive had a break through idea for larger embroidered pieces but still struggling with small ones! will post new idea very very soon. your blog looks very exciting, I will have a long look around later today xxx


Thanks for stopping by xx