
8 Mar 2010

Owl brooches

see more of them on my flickr page 

All last week I was busy with these guys! I'm really loving the 1970 look Ive got going on, that wasn't what I was aiming for but just love they way they have turned out. They are all large brooch size so maybe small art pieces, they all have raised fronts which is a natural occurrence when you embroider heavily around the outside of the pieces but they remind me of cameo brooches so Ive stuck with it.
Im going to put them in my shop over the next few days.

I'm working on a larger piece now with a whole flock of these guys all jumbled in together. will let you have a look as soon as Ive started it!


  1. wow, they look great! I like that startled looking snowy owl on the end!

  2. thanks Lou, I agree he does look rather startled!!

  3. These are lovely, I may have to link to them...

  4. each brooch has so much personality & gosh their eyes ... their eyes are so expressive ! They're awesome, truly ! :) xoxo

  5. Love the colors on these brooches. What a terrific idea to make cloth ones. Much softer and less "clunky" - and no harsh labor involved for those who must dig on hands and knees through gravel and filth! You are a mega artist!

  6. I just wandered over from Art Spark Theater, and I'm so glad I did! What a marvelous, feathery blog you have here:) I've been thinking about owls lately, myself.

  7. Thanks Kaetlyn, how funny I was just on your blog looking around, such wonderful stuff, I think maybe we have had some similar thoughts, great to know Im not alone in the whole bird head thing! your work is just Fab, Thanks for looking at my stuff xx take care x


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