
26 Apr 2010


Thank you all so much for all you amazing comments in response to my give away!
Im really relieved that the main theme from everyone's answer to the question 'What drives you to create?" is we just cant help it!! that's exactly how I feel, some days I wish I could just stop and do something else (not sure what id do) my response to any need I have to fill is usually 'I can make one of those' be it clothes, cakes, art or kitchens I will want to make it!

I put all your names in a teapot!
my husband acted as independent adjudicator and drew one name out of the pot

so the winner is........ JAMIE!!!!! her blog is here, very nice take a look
I shall be posting Maggie to her ASAP!

Thanks again everyone for showing an interest, its lovely to see so many new faces and I shall be looking through all your blogs in more detail over the next few weeks
happy creating xxxx


  1. Thank you for such a lovely and fun giveaway Jenny and congratulations to Jamie x

  2. Congratulations to the winner - Jamie, and thanks again for the chance.

  3. Thanks so much for picking me! I'm so excited to get this - very beautiful! I have emailed you my address! Jamie V in MT

  4. Congratulations Jamie! I have your address now and she will be in the post ASAP, it may take a few weeks but let me know when she get to you xxx

  5. I love the idea of names in a teapot :-)


Thanks for stopping by xx