
22 Apr 2010

Give away!

Ok I think its time I did a give away!

I hope you will all be interested in the chance to have a piece of my work for free!
Ive decided to offer one of my new pieces of hooped embroiderys.
she is 6" and made of natural dyed fabrics and machine embroidery and her name is Maggie.

I will draw a name out of a hat on MONDAY 26th APRIL at 10 am UK time and post it straight to the winner.

In order to be part of the draw and so I can get to know you all better,  I would like you to answer one question  " what drives you to create your artworks?"

Just put your answer and your name in a comment to this post by monday 10am and who ever is drawn I will contact you for your address right away.

Im also noticing that a tradition of offering an extra chance to win for people who tweet, blog or facebook about the give away, just mention in the comment that you have done this and Ill put your name in twice!

Im really looking forward to all your answers and I promise I will answer the question myself on monday morning at the end of the draw!

loads of dyes started here today will post soon with picture and process!!

thanks again for all  your supportive comments here and on flickr, I have lovely cyber friends xx

(p.s dont forget to tell all your friends xx)


  1. Oh wow! If you are allowing us State side folks to enter then please put my name in! I love your stuff you know!

  2. Of course you lot over there are involved! Im truely international!!!!
    just answer the question and your names in xx

  3. I would absolutely love to be included in your draw if I may. The cards you sent are wonderful - thank you so much Jenny xx

    My urge to create is very strong nothing inspires me more than found things in nature. Everywhere I go turns into a nature ramble and things invariably find their way into my work or inspire me. I cannot turn it off :o)

  4. what a brilliant idea & lovely givaway..
    so i have to say a lot of the time with it depends on the album i'm listening my answer is: music drives me to create...wooot! :)

    mirtle x

  5. PS. I've blogged your giveaway here

    See how keen I am!


  6. Cor blimey jenny, that is a difficult question to answer (but worth trying to do so for a chance to win your super piece of work...)!
    I'm driven to create because it makes sense of all of the things that float around in my head; colours I like, stories I've heard, shapes in the landscape, a good cup of tea... Bet you wish you'd never asked now! ;)

  7. Maggie is lovely, please enter my name. for me creating is an answer that I keep coming up with, or a solution, the question, or the problem keeps changing every day.

  8. I would love to be a part of this.
    I am process driven and as a rabid environmentalist I am exploring environmentallly friendly alternatives to mainstream art. I work with natural dyes and hand made paints.

  9. Please, put me in the hopper for a go at the drawing.

    Working with textiles and fibers is something I've always mother before me and grandmother too. I love the slow thoughtful process of making something....for myself....for a gift......that feeling that one can get when all is working working so well and you have just slid into that lovely zone. You know it. I love it. So the answer: the process, the product, and love. just plain ol' vanilla 'love'.

  10. well Carolyn sent me and I love Maggie! I don't know what drives me, I can't not make art it just squirts out!!!

  11. I love your work and would love a chance to win one!

  12. My sanity drives me to create - all my worries fade when I'm in the process of creating!!! Your stitched piece is really unique - love it!

  13. Jenny this girl is fabulous! What a very generous give away. :) What drives me to create? that is a really good question whose answer seems hard to put to words. Its like a little hamster wheel spinning inside my body and every day more pictures and ideas jump on the wheel. The only way to get them off the wheel and make room for more is to get them out & on to paper or canvas. The wheel never stops its like fuel for my spirit. I hope that makes sense! ;P xx

  14. Sent here by Caroline! Glad too. Your art is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would love to win a piece of it.

  15. I didn't read the question first so I am back!
    What drives me to create my art? Not sure, I wake up in the morning and the urge is there, I am driven to go into my art "studio" (family room)and start something, add to something, plan something, work on something and do something artzy any free time I happen to have! It has BECOME my PassION and my LIFE!

  16. I am across the pond...but, I love your creativity. I wish I knew what drives my obsession to create. It has always been there, like breathing. It makes me happy.

  17. I really really like your art so I blogged your give away on my blog also called Lynn-Getting My Feet Wet.

  18. what a beautiful givaway !

  19. Well I will have to have a try for this, Maggie is a delight! As for what drives me to create, it is quite simply the desire to bring forth beauty and make things people will love (I hope!).

  20. Thank you, Jenny, entering your giveaway has started me blogging!!! Looks like fun, but I'm a little bit worried that it may be just another way to avoid jobs I need to do...!

  21. Thanks everyone so far for you great answers and wanting to be involved!
    spread the word round over the weekend !

  22. I'm driven to create things...from stuff that I can't bare to throw away, bits of thread left from cross-stitch/embroidery or things I've collected at the beach or even a colourfull soup box........whether you would call it art I'm not too sure.....

    Love Stitching Red said to pop over and say hello!

  23. Oh dear, what drives me to create? that's a tough one, I suppose the same thing that drives me to eat, and talk, it's a need. I need to use my art as a visual response to the world around me, to process things that intrigue me as I create, the love of the materials. I just HAVE to create.
    Put my name in the hat, I would love a piece of yours :)
    cheers from Yellow Springs

  24. Jenny I'm glad I found your blog (from Love Stitching Red)your embroidery are wonderful and I love your amazing dolls. I'm a new follower now. What drives me to create my artworks, I love working with all kinds of fabric and lace, and I love to sew, can't live without it, it makes life worth living.

  25. I would love a chance to live with your owl girl!

    I am driven to create by the varied process involved in making things--the big idea moments, the free-play, experimental moments, and even the little outwardly mundane-seeming tasks (priming panels, stretching watercolor paper, wiring pictures, cleaning my studio). It's all so delicious!

    :) Kaetlyn

  26. Oops, sorry Jenny, meant to add to earlier post that I've added details of your giveaway on my blog...

  27. Hello Jenny
    I really like your stitched art - from the hooped embroideries to tea cosies - and am another sent this way by Carolyn!

    My drive to paint comes from within, it's a vocation, a compulsion, and there's no choice involved. There are many more talented painters than me and also those who have the skills but don't feel the need to exercise them.

    Good luck with the giveaway. Bye for now, Lesley

  28. I saw about your giveaway on 'Love Stitching Red's' blog. I love your hooped embroidery work, the face is great!

    What drives me to create is the satisfaction I know it will give me and if it's for someone else, such as a swap, the hope that they will also like and appreciate it.

  29. My drive comes from all the wonderful fabrics, threads, buttons, etc. that are available to create a unique piece of art. I love to collect vintage materials - making something new from something old! Jamie V in MT

  30. great bird on the head..what drives me to create arty stuff is the need to be something other than a full time mum who just does housework..when I am gone I am hoping my blog and all that I have done will live on

  31. what a gorgeous piece! I was thinking about the question. It's like being a bottle of fizzy drink. All the bubbles building up inside, then when i create it is all released and i'm calm again!

  32. love your art. i get this restlessness and nothing else will calm me down until i pick up a needle or a pencil and create something. othertimes it can be a positive day filled with friends and family, or a great walk outdoors or a great blog or museum.

  33. I don't know, but whatever it is I REALLY want to keep it!!

    I love your work! Very inspiring :)

  34. What a lovely giveaway. My main impetus to create is definitely nature in all its forms. Birds, trees, etc. I love them all. I get withdrawal symptoms if I don't have something on the boil.

  35. I came here from Love Stitching Red but will definitely be visiting again - love your work and how nice of you to have a giveaway!

    I'm not really sure exactly what drives me to create - I think I was just born with it. Sometimes I have paintings in my head that keep nagging at me until I paint them!

    Angie x

  36. I found you trough Love Stitching Red and come to say that i love your work.

    Why i create? Its the only thing that makes sense to me. I could never do without.

  37. I love your 'give away' as I do all of your art pieces.
    I'm driven by a compelling spirit inside me. I'm never happier than when I'm creating something and most of all nature inspires me.

  38. My heart and soul drive me to create ............would love to be included in the draw .......Lorna

  39. I found your blog via your Flickr account. I am not an artist so I can't answer your question. But I adore your work and owls. I'll soon be featuring you on my blog and let you know. Have a wonderful day!

  40. Hi, I came here from Love Stitching Red. What drives me to create? It is something within me, a part of me, it is food and drink to me, it is who I am. Joy
    ps Love the piece that you are offering, your work is so lovely.

  41. OK its 10 am here so that's it for entries!!
    THANKS SO MUCH for all of your comments and answers
    its been an amazing response!
    I will write everyone's name on pieces of paper now and draw one name out of a hat! I will post in the next few minutes who's won!!!

  42. Hallo , I have found you at Love Stitching Red , and i love your art and your blog very much !
    ♥♥♥ love from the Netherlands Rini


Thanks for stopping by xx