
8 Apr 2010

slow stitching

As its the Easter holidays I haven't had as much time as Id like in my studio this week, and when I have Ive just been finishing off a few more brooches for my shop.

Its been a nice week with the family all around, but a little unstructured which has left me a bit flity- by which i mean I'm not sure what I should be doing and Ive been pacing a lot ! to calm my mind I decided a bit of hand stitching would be good therapy. I have all these lovely shades of naturally dyes muslin's and have wanted to use them for a while. I also have been thinking about the dresses for the dolls Ive been making a lot and liked the idea of vintage pages under fabric, this was a good time to experiment.  As I began working the holes revealing certain words just developed and I love this idea! The bottom of the piece has  a ordinance survey map under it, another idea I want to take further.
A very satisfying project to calm my busy mind.

My lot are away from Saturday for a few days, Im secretly really looking forward to some peace and time to just make all day without having to stop to make lunch and tea and bedtimes!!!! guilty pleasures! They will be having a nice time though with the grandma in Suffolk (Ruth McCabe- shes an interesting artist)I will defiantly be getting in the garden as well to ready things for the growing season cant wait to get some dirt under my finger nails!.


  1. oh Jenny, I can't say enough how much I love this new piece of yours, its process & concept & final stage, everything is beautiful !
    oooh, enjoy your time on your own, I only imagine how it could be ! :D xoxo

  2. Thank you very much Sonia.
    I hope I can enjoy my time alone, it does feels very odd the idea of being on my own with no one to care for, I hope I dont spend my time worrying kids are ok or feeling guilty! xxx

  3. What a lovely piece - I love the way the words come through from behind. Beautifully done.

  4. This piece is so rich and ethereal at the same time! I love it and can't wait to see how you develop these ideas:)


Thanks for stopping by xx