
12 Apr 2010


Today My mother and I went on a day course to learn how to spin wool!! Pics above are my mum, Yvonne at the various different wheels we tried.
Its defiantly not as easy as it looks (or as relaxing-until you've mastered it) but we had great fun trying and have come home with a small hank of hand spun 2 ply wool!!! made from bits of raw undyed sheep's wool (bits from various breeds) ply-ed with a commercial silk thread (just to try the process of plying)
 My new wool!!!
Our teacher and host for the day was Fiona Nesbit her studio was set at the end of her fabulous garden complete with ducks! It was such a lovely day we even ended up spinning outside this afternoon.
We went because we are both knitters and use yarn in embroidery and wanted to understand it a little more, I would very much like to own a spinning wheel and really learn how and practice and perfect and make and use my own wool way can I afford to yet, I now have a spinning wheel jar!!!
While I wait I am going to get myself a turkish drop spindle and practice making small amounts of my own yarn that I can incorporate into my embroidery work. For this I would also like to get myself a whole fleece! and learn how to work it and dye it and use it !! INSPIRED.

In other news- Ive been working hard while my lot are away, got lots of drawing and sewing on the go I will try to get everything into a photograph-able state by tomorrow evening to share and explain.

for now xxx


  1. Cool! I have only seen this on movies :) It looks like your mom had a good time ^_^

  2. wow this is interesting! seems like you had lots of fun :)


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