
11 May 2010

Oh my messy head!

Ok this picture says it all at the moment!! my head is as messy as my studio!!!! I just cant focus on one thing, I have so many half finished/half started things on the go, Im enjoying most of the things Im working on but lost in the middle of it all!!!!!
I need to calm down and finish some things and wait for the connections to become clear. Im finding that easier to say than do.

On a calmer note I have finished 2 pieces that I would like to share.
first is a machine stitched piece I started a few weeks ago and was unsure about it until my daughter said she loved it, I have finished it for her and she now has it on her bedroom wall (cue surges of pride & pleasure from me - my biggest critic likes something Ive made ! yippee)
The second piece is one of the slow stitched patchworks I started the other day. Im seeing these as mini samplers for the natural dyeing I have been doing and Im enjoying the slow stitching of an evening in front of Tele.
A few more of these will appear over the next few days and one large piece will be developing more slowly, Im working on a patch as and when the mood takes me towards a large patch work piece.

I hope tomorrow brings me some calm creating and maybe some focus and confidence.....please...

Thanks as always for all you kind and encouraging comments

hope all are well xxxx


  1. I especially like the mini-sampler. Lovely work.

  2. it's always lovely to see someone's workspace. The two pieces you have posted here are lovely. The sampler is my favourite - love the words.

  3. I can see why your daughter has claimed the head piece.
    The slow stitched sampler is very evocative. The sentiment is very true and is something we all should remember.

  4. Ahhh, wonderful! I wish my work space was this tidy! but I know what you mean about the head space.

    Lovely work as always! your daughter has excellent taste!


  5. Thank you lovely people! I have had a huge tidy up today(and Im sure it will take some of tomorrow) and my head is already clearer! xxx

  6. Hi Jenny. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog! I really like your work. The birds in her hair piece - wonderful.

  7. Jenny, I have the exact same owl print from 'Oh, Badgers' on my wall too! I'm particularly drawn to your upside down heads. What a fascinating work space. ;)

  8. i love your mess and really you should see my craft room. i believe a messy room is full of wonder. so keep it up create without concern or rules. i love the woman such ease in your stitching.


Thanks for stopping by xx