
31 Aug 2010

a little catch up

the school holidays are nearly over! smallest starts his new school tomorrow! and big one goes back next week. all been very busy around here with trips and outings, theres been very little time for creating, not sure I can remember how to spend longer than 20mins on a task anymore!!!

I have been continuing to play with my paper moths, this time incorporating fabirc, playing with exposing certain elements of the maps and book pages as detail, my thinking here is about creating a large moth quilt or garment?? not sure but these are some playing with that in mind.

I have also been doing a lot of research on screen printing as Im convinced thats my next big project!!! need a serious cash injection to get started though!

Im hoping to spend a good few hours in studio at the end of this week once smallest is at school ( only for mornings for 6 weeks!!)

hope to be a bit more on the ball from now on but I always hope for that!!

hope all are well
xxx jenny



  1. I'm back to teaching already... up in full swing soon, phew! Nice to see an update of studio work you're doing. Look forward to more... Some interesting art with images of butterflies, one especially a garment I quite liked... don't know if you know this blog, you might find some interesting things there....

  2. thanks for the link , I had not come across this blog yet, i shall have a really good look around later...loving the butterfly images xxxxx

  3. Hi! Sorry I've been a bit quiet lately, busy time at work and I haven't been very creative either. Getting back into the swing of it though! Love your moths, especially with the pieces of map stitched in, really lovely.
    Screen printing is great, although it is expensive. Have you heard of this place?
    Apparently it's really good and not too expensive. Hope back to school goes ok! x

  4. HI Lou, thanks for the link, their courses look great! wish i had endless cash so I could play and learn all the time xxxx

  5. just found your blog today while out surfing and love your work, I will have to come back and visit often!!

  6. I just love your map moths! They are wonderful.


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