
14 Nov 2010

MEET - Elisabeth Omdahl

In my continuing series of interviews with artist who inspire, Id like to share with you the next instalment! This time it’s the turn of Elisabeth Omdahl
 Tell us a little about yourself 
I was born in Oslo,and lived four years  as a child in northern Norway before I came back here in the south .Currently living in Rygge, a small town south of Oslo.  Educated from college in Oslo, as a painter. I live close to a big lake, with husband and two old cats.
 Descried your work
My work is figurative, and an interplay between fragments is my method of working.  For me, art is the ultimate way of "interpreting life" around me, in the widest sense. A way of getting closer to an essence. I find that feeling in looking into details and fragments. Luckily 1+1 can equal 3 in the artworld. I try to let the unconsciousness do its work and trust in its mechanisms. My conscious job is to be open and alert and just work. 
Something worthwhile hopefully shows itself from time to time. A little something,  more than I had anticipated. Staying connected in all the phases of the process is my goal. In the end, most things are not the result I had hoped for. In the meantime, the pure joy of solving practical problems, playing with my tools and getting involved in solving esthetic demands drives me on.
As a theme I use the human body a lot, Also animals and plants. Trying to connect to their symbolic and archetype power.
 My daily routine is going to my studio about seven or eight in the morning and stay there until about 15.30-16.00.  I have just moved my studio home after 24 years in different places in town. So from now on I have my base in the garage. A winter-isolated space  approximately 45 m2. A big change for me, I was afraid it would feel like a retirement. But, so far I have kept my working routine as before.
Today I have no printing press, so I am on the lookout for a new one, since I have decided printing is still what I want to pursue in the future. I am new at printing, just borrowed a press from 2007-2010.
 Where do you get your inspiration?
From Internet, books, film and nature. I am fascinated by "automatic drawing", and I am regularly drawing from fantasy, not thinking about getting it right, just to see what comes automatically, The same with words. I read continuously.
I have been lucky over the years to have good friends and colleagues to have art-talks with. I think that has been one of the most fulfilling parts of my art-practice, People with professional background from visual arts, writing, theatre, dance and music. Grateful for that !!!
I have always been inspired by following other artists work through magazines and books, Lately the internet has made that a lot easier.
 How do you get past creative slumps?
My only tool is to make things so simple that I am sure I can manage. One line, one word, one action. That seems to help focus again. And of course, just do something completely different and get out of the studio.
 How do you promote your work?
Well, I don’t know anything else than trying to be visible on the net. Applying for exhibitions and sending my portfolio to galleries from time to time,  Not very practical in that department.

Where do you sell/ show your work?
I sell my work at these galleries.
If you had all the money in the world what would you buy today to further your artistic ideas?
A big good printing press delivered at my door would be nice!
Any advise for us
Oh no!
Here you can find more of my work:
My blog
I adore Elisabeth's work, the imagery and her palette Im so drawn to, I can only aspire to have her sense of composition and presentaion she is truly an inspiration!

I do hope you all enjoy hearing more about her work and practice, do take a look at her links if you havent already xxx

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by xx