
9 Mar 2011


Its been so long again!, slapped wrist!
So much has been happening and Ive been so busy !
I feel the need to make this post to start the ball rolling again , before I can share some of the creative work thats been going on!

I have been rearranging the bookshelves! half of me thinks this is very sad and half of me is so happy i could skip ! I  love books very much but I hate the jumbled look of disorganized bookshelves, I find it visually offensive, for ages we have had our books hidden away in the music room, easy to get to but not nice to look at! since I have move my studio into our garage now ( a very nice converted garage with heating etc) the space left was crying out to be a library......i was dreading the jumbled look of books in our everyday space.....hence my color organizing!!!! and I love it, just a bit more to do and it will be ready! all we need now is a nice comfy small chair and a lamp and it will be a cosy libary corner that looks beautiful!

Ive been working so hard at Cinnamon girl prints that very little time has been given to my work! there are development though !!!! I will share some images by the end of the week as Im quite excited by how its turning out.

for now xx much love to all

just found this on Sharon McSwiney facebook page! what a coincidence, Id only just posted my bookshelves pic!! wonderful animated bookshelf reorganizing itself!


  1. Doh! Became a fan of Cinnamon Girl on FB through Amanda (Mangle Prints) I think - didn't realise it was you! Books look ace btw x

  2. I don't care if it means I can't always find a book - I just LOVE having mine all sorted by colour! Although the ones I reach for a lot, I've learned the spine colour of. I've done it in my workroom with all my sewing/knitting/hand making books, and I'm intending to do it downstairs with our other bookshelf.


Thanks for stopping by xx