
3 Jan 2012

Happy New Year!

After a quiet (for us) holidays we are all nearly back in our routines! and I for one cant wait. I really struggle with everyone in the house all the time, my control freak self cant handle all the extra mess and bodies.......I crave quite and the ability to tidy up and it remain tidy for more than 2 seconds..... but that said I really want to work on my control issues and be more creative with my children.
We are a very creative family I know that and much more making goes on than I give myself credit for but I know there is sooooo much more I could make happen and the main barrier is always mess and time!
Reading the lovely Sonia's post today inspired me to think about what we have done recently and to make more plans! the top photos are of Joe using my sewing machine about a month ago, he was really confident and loved it! (put me to shame as I didnt let eldest try till she was 12 years old!!!, Joe is only 5!!) He really want to make a project with the machine so I must help him come up with something soon!  The bottom picture is of some of the lego he got for xmas, he is so good at building it and following instructions, its lovely to watch him find a new independance!
Jesse my eldest is so musical and I must remember that is her creativity! she doesnt choose to pick up a paint brush or sewing needle but chooses to play the piano, cello or sing instead and that is wonderful and I should celebrate it more with her! she is also drawing alot more than usual so maybe if more crafty opportunities were available she would choose those too. She did make 12 fimo necklaces for all her friends this xmas, I was impressed by that!
As sonia says I should also allow myself to be more inspried by my beautiful children, Im to often looking outside the home for inspiration when I have a wealth of it right here.

1 comment:

  1. oh my friend, thank you for your kind words ((mwah !))
    we all need to step back & see what we've done & what we could do for making things be even better
    our children have so much potential, it's a duty for us to help them express it

    I can't wait to see what you'll come up with in 2012, girl
    keep the great work, my friend


Thanks for stopping by xx