
28 Mar 2012

flights of fancy

I have been a busy bee, as usual lots going on at once. Much making as usual plus a very lovely feature on folksy all about me! Im really please with it, I dont think I sound to bad at all, its not a process I like - talking about me and only me, even these posts are sometimes difficult for me to get out, but it was a really useful process, to stop and think about me and how and why I do things, go and take look if you fancy and let me know what you think.

New ideas are spilling out of my over crowded brain, above is a new work on paper, vintage maps of wales cut into block shapes to form the basis of the bird then screen printed over the top with black ink, Im really loving this Ive made a series of 10 some are of in a gallery shop in lancaster now and the others I will list in my online shops, more paper work to come I think.

Also in development is a new collaborative project - The Make District. Joining forces with Lucy Pass of Little Lost soul and Charlotte Done of Strange Bird designs we are making plans to run workshops and fairs and hopefully attempt a pop up shop very soon! its nice to be sharing ideas and enthusiasm with other lovely makers, I have good feelings about this - check out our website soon for more info on what we are doing.

Many new projects in the pipeline Im getting excited and nervous about some but as always I just plough on have a lovely time making things! more to share soon xxxx


  1. again, you've been so super busy & creative
    and I hope it'll be like that for a while !
    Off to check these ladies' sites ! Can't wait to hear more about it !
    sounds exciting !

  2. Hello! We have nominated your blog for the Liebster Blog Award as one of the blogs that brighten our day.
    To accept the award it would be nice if you could:
    1. Acknowledge the person that gave the award and link back to their blog.
    2. Copy and paste the award to your own site. The url of the award logo is:
    3. Share five of your choice blogs to pass the award onto and let them know by commenting on their blog.
    Good wishes from Carol & Carole at Itsy Bitsy Vintage (


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