
11 Dec 2012

So much to say

Theres so much to tell you I really dont know where to start!
In the most imediate past I have a great day out at the Storey Christmas handmade market in lancaster, really great fair with lots of amazing artists, my stall (pictured above) was very busy all day which was exciting for sales and just great to hear such lovely feedback about the work.
One of the biggest hits of the day were my new paper prints. Im so glad I dedicated a day last week to making loads, I just had a feeling that they would be popular and I was right. I have a few left and they ability to make more so Im going to get them in my online shops for xmas.
I have treated myself to a copy of the new 'Props" design for our living room wall, really love the shapes in this one.
Another surprise hit was the little butterfly brooches - hand drawing in pencil on shrink plastic ( discovered via the children earlier in the year! such fun - just like magic) I love the fact that the pencil marks when shrunk look like tiny little scales - I shall be making many more of these!
In the background the book is nearly finished ( my part was done a long while ago) due to be released on 28th March 2013, Im very very excited about this and have plans to start writing more tutorials for this blog in the build up to its release - watch this space!
I also have booked a stall at the British Trade Craft Fair next year in April- this will be my first trade fair and Im both nervous and excited! arggghh more of the preparations for that to follow.
Christmas crafting is ago in this house now- much cute crochet for all the children - I will share soon without giving away the surprise for them!
for now keep warm and safe
x Jenny
(A little xmas give away to be announced later today over on my facebook page !)

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Thanks for stopping by xx