
7 Feb 2013

Is it February already?!

I really cant believe its already February! where has the time gone, I'm so busy I'm failing to stop and smell the roses as they say.
A quick January recap- muchos work made- new stockists supplied- Landbaby at the Blue coat in Liverpool - Arteria In lancaster , Cherry didi in Caldbeck, Cumbria and The Shirehall gallery in Staffordshire.
Had a great day out at ReetSweet with the very talented Lucy Pass of Little Lost soul ( also kindly modeling my new collars above) a super arts fair at the corn exchange in Leeds, some amazing makers and lovely new customers.
An extra little surprise arrive in January, an advanced copy of my book! yippeee- still cant really believe it yet, but here it is and it is real! on sale 14th March in all good bookshops (more going on about it in march!)
So here we are in February already- and 7 days in at that! I have loads of new ideas brewing- changes to some of the bag shapes and bringing in a more practical hard wearing bag ( I really need one!) Lots of new fabric for scarves has arrived so they will be appearing soon (Im aiming for a march scarf release!) in order to clear some of the old bag styles left Im planning a big sale very soon- some bargains to be had again! Ill be back to tell you more ASAP x
pip pip x


  1. You've been so busy, lady !!! I'm so happy for you that it's working well, and that your book will soon be out ! I put it in my wishlist & look forward to ordering it & getting it !
    Sending you hugs & ... oh ... I loooove your ceramic mug in the last photo .... and you lovely lady in the photo on the left side ! ;-)

  2. Thank you lovely! I do a good B&W photo- hides a multitude of sins! xxxx

  3. Jenny, although I've followed your blog for quite a while I don't think I've left a comment before. I don't know why as I love your designs. I will be pre-ordering that book as it looks great and I want to try that shrinky stuff from your tutorial. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. thanks- nice to have you here! I hope you like the book- there's lots in it!Ill share more when its released on 14th March x

  4. hi Jenny, it's lovely to catch up with what you are doing and to see your designs. Best wishes for a busy February, Cathy x


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