
12 Mar 2013

Book launch

The day has finally come- March 14th 2013 my book Handprint and make your own bags is out!
It’s been a year in the making and a long hard slog but it out and I’m proud!

I'm having a little giveaway over on facebook, pop over and like my post to be in with a chance to win a copy!

The whole thing feels a little overwhelming the facebook promotion alone has gathered over 25,000 views in 24hr! I’m a little scared of being judged by all these new people! I just hope people will take from the book what I intended- to inspire and start people on their creative journey with a project. I couldn’t have included everything I wanted; it would have been 100,000 pages long! I tried to write it so everyone could get something out of it, from beginner to experienced crafters. I have hundreds of craft books on my shelves and I have made the assumption that it’s the same for many crafters, when Im making a project at home I use at least 2 or 3 book, pulling inspiration from them all. 

In my book there are 35 bag patterns to make, all different sizes shapes and uses, all with a different printed fabric- the beginning of the book gives some basic printing tips and instructions and at the back there are some basic sewing tips. I hope that people using my book will feel confident to experiment and have a go at making themselves a unique and special bag to show off on the arm.

In order to celebrate the book I have been putting together a little tutorial for this blog- a hand printed bag tutorial! I’m going to have a go at illustrating it myself so as soon as its finished Ill share it here- it will be you very own exclusive bag project!

Now begins the adventure of promoting the book and seeing people enjoy it! I already have the shoots of ideas for book number two beginning in my sketchbooks so watch this space for more!

Xx Jenny

oh forgot to say its available from all good bookshops and online ones of course
Please support you local independent bookseller
Handprint and make your own bags
by Jenny McCabe
published by cico books march 2013


  1. So excited for you! The book is absolutely beautiful! Well done lovely :)
    x x x

  2. Wow, that book looks gorgeous! Congratulations Jenny. x


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