16 Nov 2009


My beautiful Husband is away at the moment and I m feeling a little blue !
Ive been looking back at photos form the last few weeks to cheer myself up, this fab shot was from a  walk up Warton crag, near silverdale. We had a grumpy, hard walk up the hill , children moaning and us snapping at each other, once we got to the top we had a quick picnic and within minutes we all cheered up! food the cure for all ills!!!! we then found these rocks and started jumping! fun had by all for ages.
Ben is away for another week yet! so I need to keep my spirits up, artisticlly Im feeling a bit flitty at the moment, xmas looming is stressing me out, got loads of little projects and gifts I need to finish, I think ive decided to focus on that so I give it my full attention!
New sewing machine due this week so Im hoping that will give me a huge boost!! will post with over excited pictures when it arrives .


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