
17 Sept 2010

Moth dress

I have had a very overwhelming and exhausting week!! all is OK now but much drama! I wont go into detail but it involved nursing my father after his prostate surgery and my car being written off on his drive!!!!! not what we needed at all. My father is recovering well and the car will be replace but a big week of highs and lows....I only mention it all as an explanation of my absence for the blogging world.

During all this drama I have been creating ( if in a bit of a blur) before I went to Dads I created a little dress, just a basic night dress shape, I wanted to cover it in my map moths as if they were literally eating their way out of the dress and flying off.

The piece evolved all by itself, I really love it but I think it needs development, more moths- the direction of their flight etc.
Im glad everyone seemed to enjoy my interview with Bridget Farmer I will defiantly be doing more interviews, I have a few lined up so watch this space - if anyone has interesting questions they would like to put to the artists do let me know. just in case you didnt know Bridget also interviewed me over on her blog go take a look if you fancy. xx


  1. absolutely beautiful. hope next week is a calm one!

  2. wow wonderful Jenny. I also loved your interview, and you being interviewed, really interesting insight into artist lives. Hope this weekend turns it all around for you.

  3. I think ypu are moving in an interesting direction with the moths, I'm enjoying watching your process.

  4. Hey Jenny, out of all the chaos and drama of the last week or so, comes a wonderful creation. I just love your moths coming out of the dress it's a brilliant idea. Shall pop over to Bridget's blog to read your interview.
    Hope things are on the up and up and you have a great weekend.

  5. If it were conveniant, I would definitely wear that dress, it's so whimsical and wonderful.

  6. take care and hope next week is a smooth one for you!
    i never liked moths in real life, but this moth dress u made is so pretty!! :))

  7. thank you everyone for your ever supportive comments. sorry for lack of posts...i have information brewing, I will post soon xx

  8. oh dear, you had so much on your plate
    sorry for not visiting earlier. I hope things have calmed down by now.
    thinking about you

  9. So, so beautiful. I love your work.


Thanks for stopping by xx