
27 Sept 2010

monumental shift

Thanks loads for all the supportive and interested comments to the last few posts! its always very much appreciated.
From tiny moths to the massive landscape my mind has made a monumental shift over the last few weeks! perhaps I feel hindered by the imminent threat of having to bring more money into the house now smallest has started school, but also related to his school start.... let me explain more - we have sent him to an amazing school in the countryside just  a little outside of Lancaster in the beautiful village of Quernmore, the drive which only takes 6 minutes each morning and afternoon is just stunningly beautiful and cant help but leave you feeling more connected to and routed in the landscape.
Quernmore primary school & church
view  towards Littledale in the Forest of Bowland
The stunning images have inspired me, the lines and shapes of the hills and walls lend them self’s so very well to lino cuts I have been working on some ideas for a series of prints, both of the huge landscape and the small detail within- seed heads, brambles and roots all such a wealth of design ideas.
Drawing photo
Inspired by a sort of 50s paired down graphic style Im trying to produce a series of images so I can sell/show individually or as a set.
Im working small (manageable and I have lots of small bits of lino) Im attempting 3 and 4 color!! We will see how it turns out.
On a similar note Im also thinking about opening a new etsy/folksy shop to sell more of the crafty stuff I make? I just cant seem to sit my two practices next to each other well so maybe its time to separate completely- almost think about it as my day job! Many little bit have been and are being created that I don’t share here, I cant work out how to work it yet???? As usual Im over thinking it !!!!

Pip pip for now xxx


  1. Wow Jenny your landscape pictures are so beautiful, no wonder you feel so inspired! Good luck, I think you will be very successful opening a shop, you are very talented and I can not wait to see what follows next! x

  2. oh dear, I can feel in your words that your mind is bubbling with a million wonderful ideas (if not more) !!! that is so exciting !
    make & do as your heart will feel like ! opening a new shop is almost like a new start, or at least a good change. I think I am as excited as you are ! I hope everything will work out perfectly for you, my friend. DO take care ! xoxo

  3. thanks ladies xxx I feel very inspired by the landscape in a way it hasnt hit me before...maybe Im getting older and hopefully wiser!!! I like your new shop new start comment sonia! that has made me feel even more fired up to do so xxxxx

  4. All sounds very exciting Jenny! Can't wait to see what comes out from all of this. x.

  5. Don't delay Jenny. I joined Etsy a year ago and it's been a great success. Good unique and individual ideas and talent always sell. Have you thought of starting a blog to use purely as a shop. No overheads, prices in pounds sterling and sales linked to Paypal. Wishing you lots of success with your chosen route(s).

  6. Thanks everyone for more encouragement! I hadnt thought about using blog as shop??? could work, but the beauty of etsy is the free promotion of work?? love your shop flutterby patch! xxx

  7. Hello Jenny! You make wonderful things! I love your creations with sewing, felting etc. This is my first visit so I go to enjoy more!
    Best wishes from Finnish woman living in Crete


Thanks for stopping by xx